For years, Aquaporin had tried to find a way to run their business on electricity that makes a real difference for the climate. But the Danish water technology company was aware that simply buying a 'green' certificate from a mainstream electricity provider wouldn’t do much to lower their electricity's carbon footprint. Moreover, entering a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was out of the question: while PPAs were available to companies the size of Google, Aquaporin was too small of a business to access the same kind of opportunity. Recently, that changed when Aquaporin signed a PPA with Reel.
Finally: PPAs for small and mid-sized businesses
‘Reel allows a company like Aquaporin A/S to enter PPAs, which are normally only accessible to very large corporations,’ says CFO Klaus Juhl Wulff. 'So, we signed a PPA with Reel so that we can support further investments in green energy — and ensure that we add as much new renewable electricity to the grid as we use.'
Aquaporin uses around 0.5 GWh per year to run their operations, which use biotechnology to optimise water filtration and solve global water challenges. Their electricity consumption meant that Aquaporin was precisely the right size to partner with us. Reel enables businesses of every size to access electricity that makes a difference for the climate. With our shared PPA model, we group together PPAs from multiple companies, and then finance the construction of a new solar or wind farm. ‘We at Aquaporin A/S are committed to making an environmental difference. Not only with our unique water filtration solutions, but also through the suppliers we work with,’ explains Wulff.

“We signed a PPA with Reel so that we can support further investments in green energy — and ensure that we add as much new renewable electricity to the grid as we use.”
— Klaus Juhl Wulff, Aquaporin CFO
Aquaporin is currently waiting for the solar park supported by their PPA to go live. In the meantime, their team has already unlocked another benefit of working with Reel: gaining more knowledge on what it takes to fight the climate crisis. ‘Partnering with Anders Engtoft Meldgaard, Jon Sigvert, and their team has been going super well,’ Wulff elaborates. ‘They have really helped us understand more about this field — and for Aquaporin A/S, partnerships are a key part of our continuous focus on the environment.’
Ready to rethink electricity?
Do you want to join the renewable energy revolution, and benefit your budget, too? Switch to electricity from Reel today. Contact us.